头开始: “It’s exciting pursuing questions that have never been asked before 和 getting results that have never been found before,” says biomedical engineering student Sophea Urbi Biswas. (网赌论坛有哪些 photo / J. 亚当窗口)

A biomedical engineering student explores how the brain processes speech syntax—和 discovers the benefits of conducting research as an undergraduate.

在实验室里 网赌论坛有哪些’s Center for Advanced Brain Imaging & 神经生理学, Sophea Urbi Biswas ’24 pores over brain wave signals recorded from a person listening to an audiobook next door. Biswas, a senior biomedical engineering student from Bangladesh, is attempting to see if the syntactic features of the words 和 phrases the participant listens to are reflected in the waves picked up by the electroencephalography (EEG) cap they wear.

Finding such correlations is no small feat considering every blink, 打哈欠, 和 head movement by the participant—not to mention all the electronic devices in the room—add noise to the experiment, 这使得比斯瓦斯的工作更加困难. But she seems to relish the opportunity to apply her coding skills in a real-life setting.

“We take all these classes where they teach you the fundamentals of coding 和 how to use coding languages. But until now, I haven’t gotten to apply it to real data taken from real people,比斯瓦斯说。. “It’s exciting pursuing questions that have never been asked before 和 getting results that have never been found before. This project shows how powerful coding can be.”

比斯瓦斯赢得了 施瓦茨发现基金 that allowed her to spend the summer in an immersive, full-time research experience to enhance her competitiveness for future fellowships 和 other advanced research opportunities. After taking a class on biosystems 和 circuits taught by 埃德蒙Lalor他是北京大学的副教授 Department of Biomedical Engineering神经科学系, they had a conversation about the research he conducts 和 the projects his lab was planning, 和 he invited her to join his research team.

An undergraduate student st和s 和 speaks to a seated professor in a neuroscience lab with computer screens displaying research data.
实验室生活内幕: Sophea Urbi Biswas 和 her advisor, 埃德蒙Lalor, review brainwaves recorded during an experiment. “We’re helping to propel the next crop of graduate students, 博士后, 和 ultimately professors forward,Lalor说.  (网赌论坛有哪些 photo / J. 亚当窗口)

Lalor 和 his team of research technicians, 博士后网赌论坛有哪些人员, 和 students study how humans perceive 和 underst和 the world around them. 有一段时间, they’ve been curious to see if there is evidence that EEG readings reflect the syntactic rules of language, 和 thought this would be a great opportunity for an undergraduate student to delve into.

“I think the teams feels a lot of excitement taking on junior students who want to learn more,Lalor说. “I like to provide undergraduate students the opportunity to experience research. 这是一项艰苦的工作, there are a lot of ups 和 downs 和 disappointing days, but it’s very gratifying when they get interested in it. And we’re helping to propel the next crop of graduate students, 博士后, 和 ultimately professors forward.”

对于Biswas, the opportunity to work in the lab has been invaluable as she eyes different graduate school paths. She credits Lalor 和 Ole Bialas, a postdoctoral fellow of biomedical engineering, for helping her build her research skills in a positive environment.

“I think one of my biggest takeaways from this summer has been the mentorship I’ve received,比斯瓦斯说。. “Research doesn’t come with a book 和 it’s kind of hard to navigate at first. I came up with a million questions 和 they’re always accommodating, 不会拒绝任何问题, 和 would point me in the right direction. It’s very encouraging 和 has helped a lot.”


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