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University receives five-star rating for LGBTQ inclusivity

校园骄傲指数将网赌论坛有哪些评为五星,因为它在支持和机构承诺方面对lgbtq友好, academic life, housing and residence life, campus safety, and counseling and health. (University of Rochester illustration / Michael Osadciw)


The University of Rochester has scored five out of five stars on the Campus Pride Index (CPI) for LGBTQ inclusivity, 这使得它在美国最负盛名的大学中名列前茅.

CPI是主要的LGBTQ国家基准工具,为高校创造更安全的, more inclusive campuses.

校园骄傲指数徽章图形,上面写着“lgbtq友好校园”, five out of five stars, 校园骄傲之星评级为2023”,并认可网赌论坛有哪些的LGBTQ包容性.校园骄傲指数的每个校园页面都提供了一份“对lgbtq友好的成绩单”,列出了50个学院或大学可以获得包容性的领域. Rochester checked 49 boxes—more than any other institution on the Consortium on Financing Higher Education (COFHE) or the Association of American Universities 在被调查的259所高校中排名第二.

Rutgers University received a perfect 50 checkmarks, while Rochester, the University of Texas–Dallas, and the University of North Florida received 49. 大多数类别集中在网赌论坛有哪些河校区,但也有一些是全校范围的.

“我们很兴奋,寻找包容性院校的学生会发现我们在名单上名列前茅,” says Col Raimond, director of LGBTQ life at the College. “大学一直坚定地致力于LGBTQ的包容性. Over my six years here, 我看到基础设施和学生生活经历都发生了重大而有意义的变化.”

校园骄傲指数是帮助校园改善LGBTQ网赌论坛有哪些,使教育体验更加包容和尊重LGBTQ的重要工具. The index is owned and operated by Campus Pride, 全国领先的非营利组织,学生领袖和校园团体致力于创造更安全, LGBTQ-friendly environments at colleges and universities.


Inclusive programs, policies, and practices

网赌论坛有哪些在支持和制度承诺方面为LGBTQ社区打了5颗星, academic life, housing and residence life, campus safety, and counseling and health.

“校园骄傲”对网赌论坛有哪些在校园骄傲指数中获得5颗星的成绩表示赞赏,” says Shane Mendez Windmeyer, CEO and founder of Campus Pride. “我们尊重它的成就,并鼓励每个校园继续对LGBTQ+学生负责,创造一个安全的学习环境.”

Rochester’s improvements are widespread:

  • 学生可以直接输入一个不同于他们的法定名字的首选名 UR Student, with the information updated directly in Blackboard、大学的学习管理系统,以及其他校园数据库和网点.
  • 所有的性别多隔间厕所都与性别厕所混合在一起 in residence halls on the River Campus.
  • University Health Service has a provider which can prescribe hormone replacement therapy, while the Counseling Center has LGBTQ counselors on staff.

Other programs, policies, 网赌论坛有哪些的实践也有助于校园骄傲指数的排名. For example, about 825 students—roughly 12.网赌论坛有哪些2%的本科生参加了兄弟会和姐妹会, according to John DiSarro, director of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs. 两个这样的组织——lambda Sigma Upsilon和Sigma Psi zeta——包括非双性恋学生,而一些被认为是跨性别友好的.



Participation in student organizations is a hallmark of the campus experience; non-binary and gender expansive people also can join many of Rochester’s a cappella groups and club sports. Meanwhile, 一年一度的LGBTQ见面会——秋季大学生与其他LGBTQ学生见面的招待会, faculty, and staff–has grown from 50 students to more than 250, and the Rainbow Graduation, 每年在毕业典礼前后庆祝参加的lgbt毕业生.

Dan Watts, executive director of the Office for Residential Life and Housing Services, 说“很多人多年来做了很多工作”来改善学生的体验, and he’s proud that his office is among the leaders.

“居住生活有一个性别包容的住房政策,”沃茨说. “只要是相互的要求,任何学生都可以选择和其他学生住在一起. 这意味着我们不要求室友有相同的性别认同. When randomly assigning roommates, 我们依据的是他们在住房申请中注明的性别.”

瓦茨说,河校区的大多数住宅区都有男女卫生间设施, and some, such as in Genesee Hall, offer single-user restrooms.

他说,他的部门的目标很简单:“住房等于家.” And that applies to every student.

“学生应该能够住在一个满足他们最基本需求的地方,而不必面对障碍和障碍,” Watts says. “We do a lot of staff training, student programming, and providing support services that emphasize diversity, equity, and inclusion. 能够提供支持学生做真实自我的生活空间,是赋予原本只是文字的东西真正意义的重要方式.”

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